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Dog & Cat Pals

Your Pet's

If pure devotion was to be encapsulated in a single archetypal symbol, it would be that of our beloved pets. Nothing typifies the very essence of what being in service to others truly means, more so than that exemplified by the commitment and dedication of our animals.


Etheric Vet is a lovingly conducted and divinely guided procedure performed remotely through meditative mind projection. It delivers a gentle, yet comprehensive cleansing intended on purifying your pet’s physical body and auric field.


From the blueprint level out through the layers of the auric field, this service effectively mitigates common breed defects, and prevents the proliferation of dis-ease, thereby alleviating the need for unnatural, harmful, and costly veterinary interventions. Moreover, it is highly effective in assisting an animal to reconcile states of emotional and psychological imbalance, such as phobias, miasmatic pain, trauma, and the commonplace imprints of maternal separation.


Representing the precious gift of optimum health and longevity, this deeply regenerative work greatly enhances the quality and duration of an animal's life, allowing them to live out their days in the fullest expression of their innately joyful disposition.

Golden Retriever

All animals are profoundly sentient, multi-dimensional spiritual beings.

We as humans, share far more than just mutual love and admiration with our fluffy friends. Interestingly, from an energetic standpoint, we also share a light-body structure.


Just like us, our pets are comprised of multiple, interconnected layers of electromagnetic fields, functioning as like an energetic shield that contains and protects their physical bodies.


Commonly referred to as the aura, our pet's soul-spirit bodies play an integral role in determining their relative level of health and wellbeing.


If there are any impediments, leakages, weaknesses, or defects present throughout this multidimensional structure, it will invariably manifest in the physical. Likewise, observable ailments and traumas, including diagnosed disease, can be successfully healed via repairs administered on the non-physical.


Evidently, holistically treating our animals from a fundamental energetic level, is an ideal way to support them in achieving optimum health.

The unconditional love of a pet,
is that which one will not forget.

I work directly with the eternal source fields, 
in conjunction with
your animal's consciousness body.

Etheric Vet is performed remotely through meditative mind projection, which means I do not need to be physically present with the animal.


As a conduit of healing, I hold space for the transmission of high frequency energy, which ensures the most optimal healing outcome. â€‹


This rare capacity to facilitate healing is an ancient skill and sacred gift that I carry, which I share in service to humanity and the animal kingdom, as part of my spiritual mission and divine purpose. 


It is not a learned new-age modality, nor is it a channeling session. There is no interference, distortion, manipulation or false-light intermediary associated with the delivery of this organic healing power.

Ginger Cat

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Justin. Your gift is such a miraculous service to all consciousness beings, and the planet during this tumultuous time. Please know you are so appreciated."

Support your pet's 

This comprehensive procedure will provide your beloved animal with deep healing of all architectural components of their multi-dimensional anatomy, including:


  • DNA Blueprint
    (Core Manifestation Instruction Set)


  • Nadial Complex
    (Brain and Central Nervous System including all neurological pathways and function)​​


  • Hara Complex
    (Hara Centre and Central Vertical Channel)


  • Radial Complex
    (Horizontal Triad Bodies)


  • Axiatonal Lines
    (vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines, including subsidiary meridian line networks)


  • Chakra Crystal Keys
    (and associated 12 Chakra System)


  • Four Body System
    (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual)


There is concentrated focus on the removal of harmful etheric weapons and inorganic structures, including imprints, implants and karmic superimpositions.


In relation to the animal's manifest physical body structure, a thorough cleansing of all major organs, systems, and matrix structures is also completed.

In recognition of an animal's relative level of individuation, I always invite the 'speaker' of the entire species kingdom, known as the 'Devichan', to participate in the process.

Wild Icelandic Horses
Cute Puppy

333 USD

This payment is an energetic exchange reflecting my focused intent, dedicated time and unique level of expertise. Furthermore, it represents a commitment to, and investment in, the bio-energetic health of your animal.


On completion of the session, you will receive a comprehensive report by email that includes a summary of the work done, my session observations, and suggestions on how best to support your beloved animal through the integration process.

Request Session

Due to the high energetic demand of this work, there are limited sessions available each week. Please send through a request by selecting a date that resonates with you, and I will respond accordingly.

© 2033 by Justin Stewart  -  GSF  -  Website proudly by Creative Pup.

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This website's location, identity, content, and functionality exclusively run Krystal Star algorithms. The law of structure that underpins and protects the integrity of this website is based totally and completely upon the principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This website is in all ways, totally and completely dedicated and consecrated in service to the One Source light, and forever consecrated as God, Sovereign, and Free.

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