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  • Writer's pictureJustin Stewart

The Island of Glory, Koh Ker

Through this time of present earthly incarnation, as like a cosmo-anthropologist playing a game of lost and found, life has been much to do with retrieving all that has been hidden.

The pathway I walk, oftentimes provokes me to be observant of highly pertinent things, to tarry, and take examination in immersive respite. Such investigations, serve to propel my vessel one step closer in my personal quest to locate the pieces that bring sense to this monumentally cryptic puzzle.

And so as it was, I intuited that here, on the lands of the once vast Khmer empire, another missing piece lay in waiting to be uncovered in this structure, a feat of inordinate mastery. I thus, with my love by my side, heeded the call to the pyramid of seven ascending steps, Koh Ker.

As we entered through the grand gateway, and approached the mystical giant, there was a sense of remembrance, together with a niggling anticipation for what we would feel, and what we would see beyond the veil of nonsensical accepted narrative.

We carefully traversed the spiralling staircase upward, soon enough reaching the pinnacle atop this totem of pure wonder. Side by side, here we pondered in deep reflection and paradox, with the white elephant as our witness. We reflected upon things like just how far in union we’d together travelled, and things like what had become of the diminishing modern world.

After all, we had scaled the heights of a temple that stands as a hallmark reminder of divinity’s prolific intelligence. Omnipresent intelligence that can never be buried, and so, was inevitably found, as we too, had inevitably found each other, in time and space.

Koh Ker Pyramid, Cambodia
Koh Ker Pyramid, Cambodia

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